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Loose, Liquid, Block, or Ball: Which Type of Chalk is Best for Climbing?

Chalk is not one-type-fits-all. Find out what works best for you!

In climbing, it’s easy to get comfortable using one type or texture of chalk for every session. But does one work better than the other? And should you switch it up depending on what or where you’re climbing? Let’s break it down.

Loose Chalk: The Classic Go-To

Loose chalk is what you’ll find in most chalk bags. It’s perfect for a quick dip, making it a top choice for climbers of all types. It’s available in different textures, from fine to super chunky. Loose chalk quality can vary a lot—less expensive options often include fillers like rosin or drying agents that can actually worsen your grip and harm the skin on your hands. Read our blog on chalk quality to learn more.   

  • Best for: Indoor, outdoor, bouldering, sport, trad climbing, and everything in between
  • Pros: Easy to apply, quick re-chalk, widely available, great for chalking up with one hand
  • Cons: Messy and some gyms limit its use due to the dust factor

Pro Tip: Invest in high-quality, pure loose chalk. For maximum performance, you’ll only need a thin layer, plus your bag of chalk will last longer.

Liquid Chalk: The Secret Weapon

Liquid chalk can be used alone or as a base layer with other chalk. It's essential for hot and/or humid conditions, as it soaks up sweat like a sponge and removes skin oils that can make your grip slippery. It’s also a great option for low-dust environments. Steer clear of brands that include rosin, as the residue can get stuck in the crevices of climbing holds and make the surfaces slippery. 

  • Best for: Sweaty skin, hot and/or humid conditions, lead climbing, indoors, competitions, holds with lots of texture
  • Pros: Long-lasting, low dust, great for sweaty hands, removes excess oil, limited residue on holds
  • Cons: Can take a few minutes to dry, hard to reapply mid-climb, alcohol solutions may dry skin

Pro Tip: Let it dry fully before touching holds—rushing it will just make a mess.

Super Secret Weapon: Not all liquid chalk is the same! Most formulas contain alcohol to dry out water and oils. While Friction Labs offers two alcohol-based options, we’ve also developed the only alcohol-free formula without rosin on the market, so it’s gentle on both skin and holds. Our Alcohol Free Secret Stuff® Liquid Chalk is a game-changer, especially for those with sensitive skin. It creates an incredibly long-lasting base layer, which is why many of the world’s top competition climbers rely on it. If you haven’t tried it yet, you might be missing out on your new go-to grip solution!

Friction Labs® Loose Chalk
Friction Labs® Loose Chalk

Block Chalk: Precision Application

Block chalk is loose chalk in a solid form. A binding agent must be added to hold its shape, which can reduce the purity and moisture absorption. This type is great for climbers who want complete control, precision, and intentionality over their chalk application. Most climbers will rub the block straight onto their hands or fingertips for minimal mess and waste. The chalk block is perfect for getting your hands ready before you leave the ground. 

  • Best for: Indoor, outdoor, bouldering, ticking holds (remember to brush off tick marks after your session), hangboarding at home, off-the-ground lifts
  • Pros: Less messy, less chalk dust, customizable, long-lasting, can be put into a chalk ball
  • Cons: Not as quick to apply

Pro Tip: Crush it up a little at a time to control how fine or chunky you like it.

Ball Chalk: Great Coverage, Minimal Mess

Chalk balls are a great middle ground between loose and block chalk. They’re mesh bags filled with loose chalk, allowing you to micro-dose without the mess. Gyms love them because they keep chalk dust to a minimum. Plus, they’re refillable—just top them off with your favorite loose chalk or even block chalk when they start running low!

  • Best for: Indoor climbing, reducing mess, controlled application, chalking up unused holds outside, absorbing moisture (but don't climb on wet holds)
  • Pros: Less dust, easy to use, may last longer than loose chalk
  • Cons: Can be harder to get full coverage, needs refilling over time

Pro Tip: Squeeze, don’t smash! A gentle squeeze releases just the right amount of chalk without sending a cloud into the air.

Secret Stuff Liquid Chalk
Get It
Secret Stuff Liquid Chalk
Get It

So, What’s the Best Chalk?

The answer to this question depends on what you’re climbing, the environmental conditions, and your personal preference. At the end of the day, the best chalk is the one that gives you the best grip and helps you feel confident in your climb. So experiment, find what works for you, and keep sending!

No matter which type or texture you prefer, Friction Labs has you covered with a full line of climbing chalk. Step out of your comfort zone and try something different: If you don’t love it, no worries—we’ve got a money-back guarantee!

What’s your go-to chalk? Loose, liquid, block, or ball? Share your tips!

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